Thursday, 19 April 2012

"Play­ing for Pizza" by John Grisham is a short novel which talks about the culi­nary, cul­tural and archi­tec­tural specialties of Italy through the fall and rise of a low ranked NFL quar­ter­back. Rick Dock­ery (the quarter back) can­not get any NFL team to touch him after blow­ing a 17 point lead in a cham­pi­onship game. His man­ager finds him a start­ing posi­tion in Italy with the Parma Pan­thers.

Along his jour­ney Mr. Dock­ery dis­cov­ers the pas­sion he lost to football. Even though it’s a sports book it also has a lot about Italian food as the fast food fed Quar­ter­back dis­cov­ers the culi­nary delights of Italy. The book also tells the reader a lot about Italy itself, the book sim­ply makes you want to hop on a plane and go.

I found this book pretty good as I read very little. The pace is good, the story flows and the char­ac­ters are lik­able. This book is not a deep, seri­ous, book but it is enjoy­able and a wonder­ful read.

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